Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is the framework of rules, systems and processes of the corporation that governs the performance of the Board of Directors and Management on their respective duties and responsibilities to the stakeholders. The Revised Corporate Governance Manual was adopted to institutionalize corporate governance principles as a guide for the daily conduct of business.
standards of ethics and integrity, and promoting accountability by defining roles and responsibilities.
The Company believes that sound and effective corporate practices are fundamental to the smooth, effective, and transparent operation of the company and its ability to attract investment and enhance shareholder value.
Guided by the principles of fairness, accountability, and transparency to the shareholding public, the Company ensures that the result of the votes taken during the most recent Annual or Special Shareholders’ Meeting is made available the next working day. In addition, the Minutes of the Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting may be accessed through the Company Website within five (5) business days from the end of
the meeting.
Duty to Other
Customers’ Welfare
Supplier/Contractor Selection
Performance-enhancing mechanisms for employee participation
The Company continuously provides learning and development opportunities for its employees through the John Gokongwei Institute for Leadership and Enterprise Development (JG-ILED), a leadership platform for systematic and sustained development programs across the conglomerate.

Furthermore, corporate culture and employee know-how are honed at the URC University, which is an online platform that engages URLearning content via interactive modules that make learning fun, engaging, and accessible anytime, anywhere. This platform provides a personalized training experience, a venue to share knowledge and learn from others, and has a reward system for top-performing learners. The URC’s brand of people development “inspires personal mastery, encourages servant leadership and collaboration, and ensures operational excellence.”
Anti-corruption programs and procedures
The Company also has an established suitable framework for whistleblowing and ensures its enforcement to allow employees and other stakeholders to freely communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices without fear of retaliation. They have direct access to an independent member of the Board or to a unit created in handling whistleblowing concerns.
Business Conduct and Ethics | Policy Statement |
Conflict of Interest | The Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy require employees to make a conscious effort to avoid conflict of interest situations so that their judgment and discretion are not influenced by considerations of personal gain or benefit. A conflict of interest may also occur because of the actions, employment, or investments of an immediate family member of an employee. |
Conduct of Business and Fair Dealings | The Company’s employees who recommend, endorse, or approve the procurement or sale of goods and services should make a conscious effort to avoid any conflict of interest situations in transactions they are involved with. |
Receipt of Gifts from Third Parties | The Company discourages the acceptance of gifts. However, gifts like advertising novelties may be given or accepted during the Christmas season. There is no restriction in the value of the gift that may be accepted. However, accepted gifts with an estimated value of over Php2,000.00 must be disclosed to the Conflicts of Interest Committee. |
Compliance with Laws and Regulations | The Company ensures that all transactions comply with relevant laws and regulations. Any deficiencies are immediately rectified. |
Respect for Trade Secrets/Use of Non-public Information | The Company has policies that ensure proper and authorized disclosure of confidential information. Disclosures to the public can only be done after the disclosure to SEC and PSE by the Company’s authorized officers. |
Use of Company Funds, Assets, and Information | Employees are required to safeguard Company resources and assets with honesty and integrity. Employees must ensure that these assets are efficiently, effectively, and responsibly utilized. |
Employment and Labor Laws and Policies | The Company ensures the observance, strict implementation, and compliance with employment and labor laws and policies with regard to recruitment, employment, retention, and benefits of the employees. |
Disciplinary Action | Violation of any provision of the Code of Business Conduct may result in disciplinary action, which includes dismissal and reimbursement for any loss to the Company that resulted from the employee’s actions. If appropriate, a violation may result in legal action against the employee or referral to the appropriate government authorities. |
Whistleblowing |
The stakeholders may discuss or disclose in writing any concern on potential violation of the Code of Business Conduct with the Conflicts of Interest Committee. Reports or disclosures can be made in writing or by email using the following contact details:
CICOM JG Summit Holdings, Inc. 40th Flr. Robinsons Equitable Tower ADB Avenue, Cor., Poveda Road, Pasig City The complaint shall be filed using the Complaint/ Disclosure Form (CDF) available on the company website. All information received in connection with the reports or disclosures shall be strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to any person without prior consent from the CICOM. The Company commits to protect those who report in good faith from retaliation, harassment and even informal pressures. It will take the necessary and appropriate action in enforcing the policy. |
Conflict Resolution | The Conflicts of Interest Committee submits recommendations for courses of action that can be taken in conflicts of interest situations. The decision is done by the Executive Committee. |
URC also launched iSpeak, an initiative in line with the Company’s Whistleblowing Policy. iSpeak is a digital platform where employees can freely and securely share feedback, complaints, and reports on non-adherence to Company values including policies on Anti-Corruption.
The Company ensures that Employees reporting via ISpeak are protected from harassment, retaliation, or punishment.
Consistent with the Revised Corporate Governance Manual and pursuant to the recommendations provided in the Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs), the Company strengthened its policies on Board Diversity, Board Nomination and Election, Succession Planning and Remuneration, Material Related Party Transactions, Insider Trading, and Whistleblowing to reinforce the governance framework of the Company. These policies may be accessed on the Company’s website, in the Governance section,
The Company submitted the Integrated Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR) to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) on May 27, 2021. The I-ACGR is a reportorial requirement under SEC Memorandum Circular No. 15 series of 2017 to all PLCs to disclose the Company’s compliance/non-compliance with the recommendations provided under the Corporate Governance Code for PLCs.
With the “comply or explain” approach, voluntary compliance to recommended CG best practices is combined with mandatory disclosure.
The Company’s I-ACGR may be accessed through the Company website by clicking this link,
The Board formulates the Company’s vision, mission, strategic objectives, policies, and procedures that guide its activities, including the means to effectively monitor the Management’s performance. It provides direction and
The Board exercises care, skill, and judgment and observes good faith and loyalty in the conduct and management of the business and affairs of the Company. It ensures that all its actions are within the scope of power and authority as prescribed in the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and existing laws, rules, and regulations. To uphold high standards for the Company, its Shareholders, and other Stakeholders, the Board conducts itself with honesty and integrity in performing its duties and responsibilities.

Board Duties and Responsibilities
General Responsibilities

Duties and Functions
• Act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care, and in the best interest of the Company and all Stakeholders;
• Oversee the development and approve the Company’s business objectives and strategy, and monitor their implementation, in order to sustain the Company’s long-term viability and strength. The Board shall review and guide the corporate strategy, major plans of action, risk management policies and procedures, annual budgets and business plans; set performance objectives; monitor implementation and corporate performance; and oversee major capital expenditures, acquisitions and divestitures;
• Oversee the adoption of an effective succession planning program and remuneration policies;
• Oversee the implementation of the policy and system on RPTs, which shall include the review and approval of material or significant RPTs and ensure fairness and transparency of the transactions;
• Oversee the adoption of policies on the selection of Management and Key Officers and the assessment of their performance;
• Oversee the establishment of an internal control system to monitor and manage potential conflicts of interest and an ERM framework to identify,
monitor, assess and manage key business risks;
• Annually review, together with Management, the Company’s vision and mission;
• Ensure the Corporation’s faithful compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and best business practices;
• Identify the Corporation’s Stakeholders in the community in which it operates or is directly affected by its operations and formulate a clear policy of accurate, timely, and effective communication with them;
• Adopt a system of check and balance within the Board. A regular review of the effectiveness of such a system should be conducted to ensure the integrity of the decision-making and reporting processes at all times;
• Ensure that the Corporation has an independent audit mechanism for the proper audit and review of the Corporation’s financial statements by independent auditors;
• Consider the implementation of an alternative dispute resolution system for the amicable settlement of conflicts or differences between the Corporation and its Shareholders, if applicable.
Balanced board composition
Board Independence
Board Training and Orientation
Board Meetings
To monitor the Directors’ compliance with the attendance requirements, the Company submits to the Commission an advisement letter on the Directors’ record of attendance in Board meetings.
Attendance of Directors
Board | Name | Date of Election | No. of Meetings Held during the year | No. of Meetings Attended | % |
Chairman | Lance Y. Gokongwei | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Member | James L. Go | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Member | Irwin C. Lee | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Member | Patrick Henry C. Go | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Member | Johnson Robert G. Go, Jr. | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Independent Director | Cesar V. Purisima | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Independent Director | Rizalina G. Mantaring | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Independent Director | Christine Marie B. Angco | May 13, 2021 | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Independent Director | Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr.* | May 13, 2021 | 2 | 2 | 100% |
The Board Committees
A. Audit Committee
Position | Director |
Chair | Cesar V. Purisima |
Members | Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr.* Rizalina G. Mantaring |
Advisory Member | James L. Go |
B. Corporate Governance Committee
Position | Director |
Chair | Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr.* |
Members | Christine Marie B. Angco
Cesar V. Purisima |
C. Board Risk Oversight Committee
Position | Director |
Chair | Rizalina G. Mantaring |
Members |
Cesar V. Purisima Christine Marie B. Angco Irwin C. Lee |
D. Related Party Transaction Committee
Position | Director |
Chair | Christine Marie B. Angco |
Members | Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr.*
Rizalina G. Mantaring |
The Corporate Secretary
The Corporate Secretary keeps herself abreast of relevant laws, regulations, all governance issuances, relevant industry developments and operations of the Company, and advises the Board and the Chairman on all relevant issues as they arise. She works fairly and objectively with the Board, Management, and Shareholders and contributes to the flow of information between the Board and Management, the Board and its Committees, and the Board and its Stakeholders, including Shareholders.

The Compliance Officer

Enterprise Risk Management
The ERM framework revolves around the following eight (8) interrelated risk management approaches:
1. Internal Environmental Scanning - it involves the review of the overall prevailing risk profile of the Business Unit (BU) to determine how risks are viewed and addressed by the management. This is presented during the strategic planning, annual budgeting, and mid-year performance reviews of the BU.
2. Objective Setting - the Company’s BOD mandates the Management to set the overall annual targets through strategic planning activities in order to ensure that management has a process in place for setting objectives that are aligned with the Company’s goals.
3. Event Identification – it identifies both internal and external events affecting the Group’s set targets, distinguishing between risks and opportunities.
4. Risk Assessment - the identified risks are analyzed relative to the probability and severity of potential loss that serves as the basis for determining how the risks will be managed. The risks are further assessed as to which risks are controllable and uncontrollable; risks that require management’s action or monitoring; and risks that may materially weaken the Company’s earnings and capital.
5. Risk Response - the Company’s BOD, through the oversight role of the Internal Control Group ensures action plans are executed to mitigate risks, either to avoid, self-insure, reduce, transfer or share risk.
6. Control Activities - policies and procedures are established and approved by the Company’s BOD and are implemented to ensure that the risk responses are effectively carried out enterprise-wide.
7. Information and Communication - relevant risk management information is identified, captured, and communicated in form and substance that enable all personnel to perform their risk management roles.
8. Monitoring - the Internal Control Group of the respective Company and BUs and Corporate Internal Audit constantly monitor the management of risks through audit reviews, compliance checks, revalidation of risk strategies, and performance reviews.
Risk Assessment Tool
To help Business Units in the Risk Assessment Process - the Risk Assessment Tool, which is a database-driven web application, was developed for departments and units to facilitate the assessment, monitoring, and management of risks.
The Risk Assessment Tool documents the following activities:
Through a sound Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework, the Company effectively identifies, monitors, assesses, and manages key business risks. The framework guides the Board in identifying units/business lines and enterprise-level risk exposures, as well as the effectiveness of risk management strategies.
1. Risk Identification – is the critical step in the risk management process. The objective of risk identification is the early identification of events that may have a negative impact on the Company’s ability to achieve its goals and objectives.
1.1 Risk Indicator – is a potential event or action that may prevent the continuity of operation or business
1.2 Risk Driver – is an event or action that triggers the risk to materialize
1.3 Value Creation Opportunities – is the positive benefit of addressing or managing the risk

2. Identification of Existing Control Measures – activities, actions, or measures already in place to control, prevent or manage the risk
3. Risk Rating/Score – is the quantification of likelihood and its impact on the Company if the risk materializes. The rating has two (2) components:
3.1 Probability – the likelihood of occurrence of risk
3.2 Severity – the magnitude of the consequence of risk
4. Risk Management Strategy – is the structured and coherent approach to managing the identified risk.
5. Risk Mitigation Action Plan – is the overall approach to reduce the risk impact severity and/or probability of occurrence.
Results of the Risk Assessment Process are summarized in a Dashboard that highlights the risks that require urgent actions and mitigation plans. The dashboard helps the Management to monitor, manage and decide on a risk strategy and a needed action plan.
Internal Controls
With the leadership of the Company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), internal control is embedded in the operations of the company and in each BU, thus increasing their accountability and ownership in the execution of the BU’s internal control framework. To accomplish the established goals and objectives, BUs implement robust and efficient process controls to ensure:

Adequate and Timely Information
To enable the Directors to properly fulfill their duties and responsibilities, Management provides the Directors with complete, adequate, and timely information about the matters to be taken up in their meetings. The information may include the background or explanation on matters brought before the Board, disclosures, budgets, forecasts, and internal financial documents. If the information provided by Management is not sufficient, further inquiries may be made by the Director to enable him to properly perform his duties and responsibilities. The Directors have independent access to Management and to the Corporate Secretary.
The Directors, either individually or as a Board, and their performance regarding their duties and responsibilities may seek access to independent professional advice within the guidelines set by the Board.
Accountability and Audit
1. The extent of its responsibility in the preparation of the financial statements of the Company, with the corresponding delineation of the responsibilities that pertain to the External Auditor, should be clearly defined;
2. An effective system of internal control that will ensure the integrity of the financial reports and protection of the assets of the Company for the benefit of all Shareholders and other Stakeholders;
4. The Company consistently complies with the financial reporting requirements of the SEC;
5. The External Auditor shall be rotated or changed every five (5) years or earlier. The signing partner of the External Auditing firmt hat is assigned to the Company should be changed with the same frequency. The Corporate IA Head should submit to the Audit Committee and Management an annual report on the Internal Audit department’s activities, responsibilities, and performance relative to the Internal Audit Plan as approved by the Audit and Risk Committee. The annual report should include significant risk exposures, control issues, and other
6. The Board, after consultations with the Audit Committee, shall recommend to the Shareholders an External Auditor duly accredited by the SEC who shall undertake an independent audit of the Company, and shall provide an objective assurance on the matter by which the financial statements shall be prepared and presented to the Shareholders.
Internal Audit
1. Employees’ actions are compliant with policies, standards, procedures, and applicable laws and regulations;
2. Quality and continuous improvement are fostered in the control processes;
3. Programs, plans, and objectives are achieved;
4. Resources are acquired economically, used efficiently, and protected adequately;
5.Significant financial, managerial, and operating information is accurate, reliable, and timely;
6. Significant key risks are appropriately identified and managed; and
7. Significant legislative or regulatory issues impacting the Company are recognized and properly addressed.
Opportunities that may improve management control, profitability, and the Company’s reputation may be identified during audits.
Other Matters
Audit and Audit-Related Fees
Name of Auditor | Audit Fee | Non-Audit Fee |
Sycip, Gorres, Velayo & Co. | PHP 11,328,000 | -0- |
Ownership structure
Shareholder | Number of Shares | Percent | Beneficial Owner |
JG Summit Holdings, Inc. | 1,215,223,061 | 55.21% | Same as record owner |
PCD Nominee Corporation (Non-Filipino) | 574,510,744 | 26.10% | PCD Participants & their clients |
PCD Nominee Corporation (Filipino) | 379,695,744 | 17.25% | PCD Participants & their clients |
Dealing in securities
(changes in shareholdings of directors and key officers)
A. Elected Directors for the calendar year 2021
Name of Director | Number of Direct Shares | % of Total Outstanding Shares |
James L. Go | 407,001 | 0.02% |
Lance Y. Gokongwei | 913,235 | 0.04% |
Patrick Henry C. Go | 45,540 | 0% |
Johnson Robert G. Go, Jr. | 1 | 0% |
Irwin C. Lee | 300,001 | 0.01% |
Cesar V. Purisima | 1 | 0% |
Rizalina G. Mantaring | 7,401 | 0% |
Christine Marie B. Angco | 1 | 0% |
Antonio Jose U. Periquet, Jr. | 500,000 | 0.02% |
B. Elected Officers for the calendar year 2021
Name of Officer | Position/Designation | Number of Direct Shares | % to Total Outstanding Shares |
James L. Go | Chairman Emeritus | 407,001 | 0.02% |
Lance Y. Gokongwei | Chairman | 913,235 | 0.04% |
Irwin C. Lee | President & Chief Executive Officer | 300,001 | 0.01% |
Patrick Henry C. Go | Executive Vice President | 45,540 | 0% |
Anna Milagros D. David | Chief Marketing Officer | 49,630 | 0% |
Francisco M. Del Mundo | Chief Financial Officer | 0 | 0% |
David J. Lim, Jr. | Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer | 0 | 0% |
Shanie Ann S. Kawpeng | Chief Strategy Officer | 1,500 | 0% |
Elisa O. Abalajon | Chief Human Resources Officer | 0 | 0% |
Krishna Mohan Suri | Vice President, Global Innovation, Research & Development | 0 | 0% |
Socorro M.L. Banting | Vice President | 0 | 0% |
Karen Therese C. Salgado | Chief Information Officer | 0 | 0% |
Rhodora T. Lao | Corporate Controller and Chief Compliance & Risk Officer | 0 | 0% |
Maria Celia H. Fernandez-Estavillo | Corporate Secretary | 0 | 0% |
Charles Bernard A. Tañega | Treasurer | 0 | 0% |
Elvin Michael L. Cruz | Corporate Legal Counsel | 0 | 0% |
Jose Miguel T. Manalang | Directory, Strategy & Investory Relations | 3,000 | 0% |

a) Regular Cash Dividend of One Peso and Fifty Centavos (P1.50) per share and paid on June 15, 2021 and
b) Special Cash Dividend of One Peso and Eighty Centavos (P1.80) per share and paid on September 15, 2021.
Company Website